

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Pacific Crown Jewel - Bora Bora

There is one island in the Pacific Ocean that needs no introduction.  It is part of the French Polynesian Society Islands and may very well be the most beautiful place on Earth. 

Bora Bora

The word "Bora" means "first born" and it is easy to see that this island is the first and only of its kind.  There will be several posts on this Pacific Crown Jewel.  The first of which I am using to link a video that shows how stunning just the landing itself is. 

 Setting foot on this island someday is the heart of Pacific Dreamland.


  1. I too would like to visit Bora Bora one day. It looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  2. This island is simply out of this world. There are no words for it.
